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IIAR Inspections

Ammonia Refrigeration Inspections Made Easy

The paperless inspection management system designed specifically for ammonia maintenance contractors and end users.

Inspection Compression is a one stop shop for managing your ammonia refrigeration system inspections and maintenance. All your equipment inspections will be paperless with IIAR regulations/inspection forms built  in that meet the OSHA PSM/CalARP standard. It will also save you hours a week by tracking and logging your inspections/deficiencies while providing a management dashboard so you can see everything you need to do in one place. Make your compliance and inspection program stress free with Inspection Compression.

Watch our infomercial here to see more of what Inspection Compression has to offer.

Made by an inspector to ensure compliance

Meets all current RAGAGEP and IIAR-6 standards

Completing paperless inspection

Get rid of paper pushing while saving time and money by not needing to manage the work yourself.  Save countless hours by allowing Inspection Compression to keep track of your work for you.

Meets current IIAR-6 standards

The app comes set up to meet current IIAR and RAGAGEP standards.  Don't waste time worrying if you are up to the current code.  Your mechanics and technicians will thank you for not needing to memorize the current IIAR inspection schedule.

Stop missing compliance dates

Our founder constantly saw missed inspection dates which can lead to thousands of dollars in fines.  Inspection Compression automatically gives you reminders to conduct your inspeciotn as well as having visual ques in the app to make sure inspecitons get done.

Inspection Compression can remove hours of work a day in record keeping, document management, reminders, and  empowers your current workforce to do more.

It costs less than you think

IIAR Inspections

Keep it clean

Refrigeration systems can be dusty oily places. Using Inspection Compression keeps all your data in a safe and secure database. It's easy to use and easy to understand. 

IIAR Inspections

Stop missing compliance dates

Inspection Compression has a built in reminder system to stop you from missing compliance dates that can cost thousands of dollars in inspection penalties.

IIAR Inspections

Perfect for smaller systems

Not all refrigeration systems are part of a multinational conglomerate with hundreds of locations.  Implementing Inspection Compression frees up time for busy employees and only costs a fraction of their hourly wage.

Let’s Chat

Contact me today to see how Inspection Compression can save you money and time. Call the number below or enter in your information and we'll get a hold of you.

(925) 876-3771

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